Month: May 2020


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The referral on my desk had an unusual name on it. Everaldo C. S. ‘Where is this guy from?’ I wondered. Very quickly my attention was turned to the clinical details: serious valve incompetency problem, the heart muscle had all but given up, co-morbidities. Just before the festive season 2018. MDT meeting outcome: High risk ….  Read More


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An infectious disease specialist successfully led a country through a pandemic. His humble demeanor, soothing tone of voice, scientific acumen, unwavering humanism, patience and common sense inspired a nation known for their rebelliousness to unreservedly comply. History has repeatedly recorded that there is only one thing that Hellenes are constantly ready to pay for with ….  Read More

Protect whose NHS?

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It should be the other way round. We should be protecting them not them protecting us. ‘If you have a cough or temperature stay home’: These are non-specific symptoms. They do not belong solely to the virus. A heart attack, a chest infection and many other common conditions can present with those symptoms. Breathlessness, a ….  Read More