A-critical thinking and in-evaluation
Written by Χρήστος Γιανναράς, Kathimerini 14/06/20 English verbatim translation follows Ο κριτικός έλεγχος, οι αξιολογήσεις της ποιότητας, οι διαβαθμίσεις των ικανοτήτων και του μόχθου φιλοδοξούσαν κάποτε να έχουν εγκυρότητα. Δεν διεκδικούσε το αλάθητο η κριτική λειτουργία, αλλά και οι κοινωνίες δεν είχαν τόσο απροσχημάτιστα συμφιλιωθεί με την υποκατάσταση της κριτικής εγρήγορσης από το παιχνίδι των …. Read More
The striker and the keeper
Written by Θάνος Πασχάλης, neurosurgeon. In medicine and in surgery there is a big analogue with playing for a soccer team. You start as wanting to play as a striker. You need all the cases of the hospital and think you can blow them all away. When you start to grow older you are starting …. Read More
Protected: Mediocracy vs meritocracy
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The referral on my desk had an unusual name on it. Everaldo C. S. ‘Where is this guy from?’ I wondered. Very quickly my attention was turned to the clinical details: serious valve incompetency problem, the heart muscle had all but given up, co-morbidities. Just before the festive season 2018. MDT meeting outcome: High risk …. Read More
An infectious disease specialist successfully led a country through a pandemic. His humble demeanor, soothing tone of voice, scientific acumen, unwavering humanism, patience and common sense inspired a nation known for their rebelliousness to unreservedly comply. History has repeatedly recorded that there is only one thing that Hellenes are constantly ready to pay for with …. Read More